If you, or someone you know, was in active military service from 2003-2015 and suffered hearing loss of any amount and/or tinnitus, contact LKC trial attorney Bradley Leger immediately. We are working on these cases now. 3M knowingly sold defective earplugs to the military and veterans have suffered as a result. Our firm feels strongly about military veterans and their rights. You can contact LKC trial attorney Bradley Leger directly at bleger@lkclawfirm.com or 832-761-7201.
U.S. veterans have filed at least 11 lawsuits this month — including four in Minnesota — accusing 3M of knowingly selling thousands of defective earplugs to the military for use in combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan or training exercises in the United States.
3M, without admitting guilt, agreed six months ago to pay military branches $9.1 million to settle the government’s allegations that the Maplewood-based company supplied defective earplugs, the Department of Justice said at the time.
The soldiers who filed the lawsuits said they now suffer permanent hearing loss or tinnitus as a result of 3M’s defective products.