Leger Ketchum & Cohoon’s litigation group successfully prosecuted a Federal Torts Claims Act (“FTCA”) case against the United States of America. Attorneys J. Patrick Cohoon and Alison R. Wills represented F.E.I. Company in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania before the Honorable Yvette Kane.
F.E.I. owned and operated a cold storage warehouse and stored amenable meat and poultry products for its customers’ supply chain needs. The United States Department of Agriculture (“USDA”), as part of its regulatory powers, detained products in F.E.I.’s warehouse. Leger Ketchum & Cohoon established that the USDA was negligent in failing to remove the detention order in a timely manner and in violation of the USDA’s own policies and regulations. As a result of this unlawful extended detention period, F.E.I suffered harm, for which it was compensated.
FTCA claims are complicated legal matters that require careful exhaustion of administrative remedies and litigation in federal courts. Contact Leger Ketchum & Cohoon to discuss your litigation needs and strategies.